Monday, November 3, 2008

fishing in Vancouver

Hi again,
It's Aidan again, and we just got back from a great fishing trip! We caught a salmon and 4 crabs! We also caught a flounder and two smaller salmon. A flounder is a weird type of fish that swims at the bottom of the ocean. It looks like a normal fish except for the fact that it swims on one side with both eyes on one side.Weird eh? Anyway, we're in Vancouver right now and we drove from Tofino on Saturday. Yesterday we went to an IMAX movie. It was pretty cool! It was all about sardines migrating. It kinda sounds weird but it was actualy really cool. When we were in Tofino we went Trick-or-Treating. I went as a beer bottle and liam went as a wheaties box. I might be able to post more pictures soon. Well thats all for now!

Seattle & Victoria Pictures

Nice room in Victoria!

Experience Music Project with Spaceneedle

At the Pike Street Fishmarket

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hello from Seattle

Hey everybody, this is Liam's brother Aidan. Sorry we haven't posted anything sooner, we haven't had much time since we've been getting back to the hotel room too late to write anything. Oh well, it's just as well, we haven't done much until we got to Seattle USA, where we are now. Today is our last day in Seatlle. We just got back from the famous Pike Market. The Pike Market was made famous by the guys in one of the fish stalls who decided to start throwing fish around. They're now one of the bigest tourist atractions in Seattle! We also went to the Space Needle, which is a bit like the CN tower in Toronto, only smaller. And before that we went to the Museum of Science Fiction and the Experience Music Project. It was very cool! You can play electric guitars, drums, keyboards, have jam sessions and even mix your own sound. Well thats about it. Our next post will be from Vancouver Island. Bye!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What a life!

This is easy!

Turns out blogging is easy. This should be fun!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Testing the Blog

We would like to blog while on holiday. How will this work?